Friday, November 28, 2014

Spark by John Twelve Hawks

just finished Spark by John Twelve Hawks.  I liked it.

i had read his whole The Traveler series and really really love it.  i am a sucker for a dystopian, rage against the machine, fuck the man kind of story, and The Traveler  was that and then some.

this book, however, was a bit different.  it still had the "we need to fight for our freedom, the banks and government are controlling us and treating us like sheep" message, but it was wrapped in a cool hitman story.

it was written well, i thought, the action moved along nicely, the story was interesting enough,

i'm not sure it was completely amazing and awesome though.  world class amazing literature?  nope.

it was fluff.  bubblegum.  and i enjoy bubblegum and fluff, so i liked it.  it had some parts that make you think, i had some parts that could make you wonder and perhaps entice you to be just a bit paranoid, but was a good  book.  that's it.  not great, not OH MY GOD YOU GOTTA READ THIS, but very fun and enjoyable, if you like that sort of thing.

i like that sort of thing.  not sure i would recommend it to anyone though, unless they are the types of folks to have a few months of beans and rice and powdered water in their basement, and only deal in cash.

good fun story.  glad i read it.  i was entertained.

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