got me a brand new lightweight sleeping pad today, all ready for tonight's adventure. i was gonna do a sub 24 hour overnight trip, where i bike out to a spot, camp overnight, wake up, and bike back home. all the cool kids are doing it, i figured i should too, even though i'm about as cool as a blacksmith's furnace.
i packed my bag with the bare essentials, made sure the bike was good, and i was ready to go.
all i had to do was bike about nine miles, mostly road, get to the spot i previously reconnoitered, and sleep under the stars. i would wake up tomorrow, bike back into town, and it would have been glorious.
nature gave me a big fat NOPE. i pedaled out, it was a bit windy, the sky looked threatening, but not too bad. as i got closer to my destination, the wind picked up and the sky looked worse. i couldn't really tell if it was raining where i was going (it wasn't supposed to rain) or if was just dust and dirt being kicked up.
flags i passed were straight out. at one point, i had to fight to keep my bicycle upright, much less going forward. the wind all but stopped me in my tracks, nature putting it's invisible hand against my chest, with a "you shall not pass" whispering in my ear.
i am not a smart man, but i can eventually take a hint, and i have nothing to prove. i have spent many days and nights doing various sufferfest things. sometimes i feel like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon. I'm getting too old for this shit.
i turned around, pedaled home, and my cool overnight adventure amounted to a 45 minute road ride on a full suspension bike with a backpack on.
i can't go tomorrow cause i have to work on saturday. so it will have to wait for another day.
hopefully soon.
until then....fuck you nature. i don't know why you gotta be like that.
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