Friday, July 25, 2014

an epic day on Monarch Crest

Captain Lowballs asks if i wanna ride Monarch Crest in Salida.  I stupidly say yes.
Here's the thing about Captain Lowballs:  every ride is a training ride.  To me, mountain biking is about riding, talking, drinking, spending time on your bike with friends, hanging out.  It's a social event on wheels involving sketchy trails and booze.   I know better.  In the past, i've secretly vowed to myself to NEVER EVER AGAIN ride with the good Captain.  And every goddamn time he asks "hey, wanna go ride?" i say "yeah, that would be great!"   I deserve what i get.  like i said, i know better.

We get to Salida, there is a threat of rain, as there usually is.  Turns out, the whole day we had great weather.  We had the trail to ourselves.

He set the pace and we were off.  I hung in there for a good portion of the day, until we sort of took a wrong turn.  It was totally my fault.  I wanted to descend Starvation Creek, he had planned to come down Silver Creek and finish with the Rainbow Trail.   It was his ride, i should have shut my fucking pie hole, but i whined and complained and made him question himself, we took a wrong turn, sort of got lost, pissed him off, and we did indeed end up coming down Starvation Creek, which is a cool fun descent.  We got to the bottom, he was pissed and we were gonna climb back up so we can finish on Rainbow Trail.  I was in no shape, he took off, I lamely followed.

I never caught him, my legs were starting to cramp, i was done, so i decided to turn back and head back to the car and hopefully meet up with him.

Being the directionally challenged idiot that i am, i got lost, had to turn back once or twice, and finally found my way to the highway, headed back to the car.

Got back to the car, the Captain was already there, had just arrived, turns out he was behind me, then in front of me when i took that wrong turn and i was behind him.

I apologized, and made up for it by buying the burgers and beer.  at the end of the day we had a good day, and he still talks to me.

A bit more epic than expected, but a damn good ride.  I swear i will never ever ride with him again, until next time....

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